Books From Meredith L. Bliss Publishing
& Design
Books Published and Available from Meredith L. Bliss:
- Mary Vowell Adams: Reluctant
Pioneer by Beatrice L. Bliss
Reluctant Pioneer, first published in 1972, was the first of a genre,
telling the story of the Overland Trail to Oregon (in 1852) from the woman's
perspective. "Whether Millie's father ever suffered any sense of guilt
is not known, but those
living who remember him certainly saw no sign of it. As for the rest of
us who cherish our Northwest heritage -- we know that many, like Mary,
were destroyed by the westering wave. We accept their sacrifice as necessary
to winning the West. Mary lived in a day when women had no rights and little
status. Many a home fire was banked with smoldering resentment. Neither
was she the first, nor yet the last, to die for something in which she
could not believe -- for what someone else had established as duty.."
Follow the link above to read the first chapter of Reluctant Pioneer.
ISBN 09622738-4-8, $13.95 paper.

- Not On A Silver Platter by Beatrice
L. Bliss White

Not On A Silver Platter continues the saga of the Adams family after
their arrival in Oregon. It is the story of Mary's daughter Millie and
her life in Salem, Oregon, and contains many family and other historically
interesting photos, especially of Salem.
ISBN 09622738-1-3. $18.50 paper,
ISBN 09622738-0-5 $50.00 case bound.

in the Rain by Ann Chandonnet
"Poems for my Aleut-Athabascan son" is the subtitle of this collection
of poems. "This is a rare and special book pellucidly written and
filled with empathy for the Aleut-Athabascan culture this fine poet has
lived and written about for many years" said Robert Peters. It also
includes previously unpublished photos of C.L. Andrews from early 20th
century Alaska.
Co-published with Mr. Cogito Press.
ISBN 09622738-2-1, $10.00 paper.

in Oregon by Robert A. Davies (Currently out of print)
Tracks in Oregon is a unique and surprising book of poems. The title
suggests travel in Oregon, and that is here -- from urban Portland and
the timbered valleys of Northwest Oregon to the high desert country of
Southeast Oregon. The title also suggests following tracks, and that is
here -- the landscape observed closely and evoked lovingly. And the title
suggests tracks one might leave behind. These poems are, indeed, a detailed
record informed by careful observation of a time and place even as they
transcend the merely personal or factual.
A Finalist for the Oregon Institute of Literary Arts' Oregon Book Awards
ISBN 09622738-3-X $10 paper

Carr: A Memoir, The First Fifty Years by Guy Crockett Carr
(as told to Terry Taylor Osborne)
This is the life of a pioneering auto retailer in Washington County through
the construction of the distinctive and then unique Carr Chevrolet showroom
in Beaverton in 1950. Large format privately published case bound edition.
A few copies are still available at $50. Includes many interesting photos
from the early days of the automobile in Washington County.
These titles, except Tracks in Oregon, which is out of print,
are available from the publisher. Send the listed price (check or money
order payable to Meredith L. Bliss along with $3.50 per order (not per
book) for shipping and handling to:
Meredith L. Bliss Publishing
P.O. Box 492
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116-0492
Or send e-mail
for more information (online ordering, however, is not available)

The following book was designed and printed by Meredith L. Bliss
Publishing but is available only from the author:

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