Oregon Capitol

Test Crime Rates in Oregon and its Counties by Offense
(under construction!)

Crime rates may be displayed as:

Local law enforcement agencies report complaints and arrests for crimes in Oregon to the Law Enforcement Data System of the Oregon State Police. Summaries of these reports are published annually. Violations of particular statutes are summarized in 28 categories, the Uniform Crime Report crimes (UCR Crime). In each section below, a query is constructed to generate a chart or table from this data.

Crimes may be grouped and summarized as Index Crimes.

The Index Crime statistic was created by the FBI to provide a general measure of crime rates across jurisdictions and over time. Person or Violent Index Crimes include the crimes of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property Index Crimes include the crimes of burglary, larceny-theft, motor-vehicle theft, and arson.

These graphs and tables will show reported offenses or arrests as reported to the Law Enforcement Data System by local agencies as the number of reports per 10,000 population. Also available are corresponding rates for juvenile arrests based on the juvenile population (ages 0 through 17). Note that the term "Index Crime Rate" refers to reported offenses. While we show arrests for Index crimes, that is different from what is usually referred to as the "Index Crime Rate."

This section displays only the Person Index and Property Index summary crime groups for the total population or for the juvenile population. Estimated national rates are shown for comparison purposes.

For Person and Property Index Rates, select reported Offenses, Arrests, or Juvenile Arrests:
Then select the County or State:
Reported Offenses   Arrests   Juvenile Arrests
And click on "Index Rates"

What Are the Offense and Arrest Statistics For Specific UCR Crimes?

Use this query to generate a line graph and table of reported offenses, arrests, or juvenile arrests by Oregon county or statewide. The graphs and tables will show the total number of reports for offenses or arrests as reported to the Law Enforcement Data System by local agencies. Also shown are the corresponding rates as the number of reports per 10,000 population (or for the population age 0-17 for juvenile arrests).

For county data, the statewide rate is also presented in the tables, and appears as a green line on the graphs for purposes of comparison.

First select the UCR Crime, and then select Reported Offenses or Arrests:
Reported Offenses  Arrests  Juvenile Arrests
And the County or State, and then click on "Submit."

For What Proportion of Arrests do Juveniles Account?

This section will show the proportion of all arrestees who are juveniles. The data is presented in two separate graphs and a table. The first graph is a line graph showing the overall crime rate for the selected offense in red, the percent proportion of arrestees who are juveniles in blue, and the percent proportion of the population who are juveniles in green. The second graph is an "accumulated line plot" in which the juvenile and adult arrests add to give the total arrest rate for the selected offense or crime group.

Oregon data parallel national data to a surprising extent. For example, compare the results from the queries here to these charts excerpted from Chapter 5 of Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report, a publication of the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Please note that rates shown are per 100,000 instead of per 10,000, and calculated based on the population age 10-17 rather than age 0-17 as presented on this site. Also of interest is the Dec. 2001 report Law Enforcement and Juvenile Crime that provides more recent data and discusses potential problems with the use of juvenile arrest statistics from the Uniform Crime Reporting program.

First select Summary Crime Group or the UCR Crime, then the county, and click on submit

Last updated 16 April 2018 with data from 2013 and 2014.

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